Tailored Modernity

A palpable tranquility exists throughout the home. Elevated by the manipulation of light that acts as a main design element, an existing tudor revival house has been dramatically transformed. Custom wide-plank floors both contrast and complement the mix of bright and dark found as one travels from room to room. Transitioning to a herringbone design where the space calls for it. Rather than merely sitting on top of the land it was built on, this house exists as an extension of the nature that surrounds it; opting for variations in texture, material, and colour––exemplified by the different tones, patterns, and widths of flooring used in the home.

Expansive glass openings blend the interiors with the surrounding landscape; an approach strategically executed throughout the home. Like the view it overlooks, an organic simplicity is layered upon an intricate complexity of design, offering the space both flow and function in equal parts.

A certain magic exists throughout, comparable to the awe-inspiring moments one finds while alone in nature–a sublimity that is inherent; further punctuated by the olive tree neighbouring the staircase.